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About Rio Real

Welcome to Rio Real, home of Sparky and Spike, our mighty  Bulldogs!

Our job as educators is to establish a strong foundation for lifelong learning. It is our responsibility to foster this desire in all students by providing them with the opportunity for intellectual, physical, and cultural growth. We must provide a secure environment where trust, encouragement and support leads to success, where every student is given multiple opportunities to learn and achieve, and the expectations for each student are challenging.

A group of adults listen attentively to a speaker in a classroom setting.

Parent Involvement at Rio Real

We would like to welcome all new and returning parents and students for the new school year. We hope you will join us as we work together with our teachers and staff to support the growth and development of students here on campus.

We encourage you to participate in the Parent Teacher Association (PTA), School Site Council (SSC), English Language Acquisition Committee (ELAC), and other site committees and projects. Please contact the school office for additional information. Meeting dates will be posted on the monthly newsletter/calendar. All parents are welcome to attend. By working together, we can help provide our students with a quality education and a positive and safe environment.

Principal's Message

I am proud to be principal of Rio Real Dual Immersion Academy and a member of this professional staff and dynamic community of learners.  Our students are successful and reach high academic proficiency in two languages.  Our goal is to develop readers and writers in two or more languages and our teachers are committed to do this using effective instructional strategies to prepare both language minority and language majority students in a safe and nurturing environment. I truly believe children deserve opportunities to fulfill their dreams and overcome limitations of knowing only one language.

-Dr. María M. Hernández

A classroom of students listen attentively to their teacher during a lesson.

Latest News

August 13, 2024


Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, no dude en llamarme o pasar por la oficina. Atentamente, Dra. María M. Hernández Directora, Escuela de inmersión dual Rio Real K-8   Nidia Mejia, Assistant Pr. . .

August 13, 2024

Welcome Back

TK and Kinder: School starts at 7:45. TK and Kinder students enter through the 1st grade gate and head over to the picnic tables in the kinder yard for breakfast.   From August 21 to October 31 - TK. . .


The Rio School District and community empower students to achieve their full potential in our community, our American democracy and our diverse and changing world.



Creative Arts

This section of the webpages connect viewers with District arts programs and opportunities.



This section of the District web pages connects viewers to information related to 21st century learning technologies used by learners, staff, and community. Rio Robotics is a course in Robotics, which utilizes Lego Mindstorms EV3 kits.


Engaged Learning

This section of the District webpages connects viewers to examples of “active” learning. The Rio School District emphasizes hands-on and minds-on inquiry based learning that connects, engages, and develops literacies for every learner.

Upcoming Events