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Dual Immersion

Dual Immersion Academy

Dual Immersion Academy

The Dual Immersion Academy (DIA) is open to students countywide and is housed at Rio Real Elementary School. The program’s goal is for students to become bilingual, biliterate and bicultural in English and Spanish.
The dual immersion program started out as a program for kindergarten students in 2006. The following year, the Rio School District expanded the program beyond kindergarten and in 2015 promoted its first group of 8th grade students to the local high schools.

Classes are geared for native English and Spanish speakers, who are taught by experienced bilingual teachers. Kindergarten students receive 90 percent of their instruction in Spanish and 10 percent in English. Increasing amounts of English are added each year until 50 percent is reached in fourth grade and continues in fifth grade. Instruction at every grade level focuses on the state-mandated academic requirements, as well as listening, speaking, reading, writing, the arts and culture in both languages.

DIA’s format is based on proven research methods and in-classroom experience. Studies show that dual immersion programs are beneficial for both English and Spanish speakers.

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Contact Information
1140 Kenney Street
Oxnard, CA 93036

For more information about the program, contact Maria Hernandez at (805) 485-3117 or

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The Dual Immersion Academy (DIA) at Rio Real has helped my son gain the confidence in his ability to communicate not only with his peers but ancestors whom may not speak English. I am confident the many skills he has gained at Rio Real will take him far in in life! As my late father would say “he who knows two languages is worth two.”

Sra. Plascencia

La Academia de Doble Inmersión (DIA) en Rio Real ha ayudado a mi hijo a ganar la confianza en su capacidad para comunicarse no solo con sus compañeros, sino también con sus antepasados que no hablan inglés. Estoy segura de que las muchas habilidades que adquirió en Rio Real lo llevarán lejos en la vida.  Porque como decía mi papá, “el que sabe dos idiomas vale por dos”

Mrs. Plascencia

My son started in the DI Program in 2013. He is now in 5th grade and completely bilingual. He reads, writes and speaks fluently in both languages and for his dad and I that is a major plus especially in our community. I know that because of his bilingualism he has many doors that are open for him in the future and we couldn’t be happier for him. The program has met and exceeded our expectations and it has been a pleasure to work with his teachers to get him to where he is at now.

Sra. Ramirez

Mi hijo entro al programa de inmersion dual en el 2013. Hoy esta en el 5to grado y es completamente bilinge en su escritura, lectura y habla. Para nosotros, sus papas, es una ventaja mayor especialmente en nuestra comunidad. Se que por su bilinguismo se le han abierto muchas puertas para el en su futuro y no podriamos estar mas felices por el. El programa ha cumplido y superado nuestras expectativas y ha sido un placer trabajar con sus maestras para hacerlo llegar a donde hoy esta.

Mrs. Ramirez, Mother